Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

Are you being compensated fairly? How can you find out about company culture when going on interviews? Are you mapping out your career correctly? We’ll help you find the answers to these questions today.

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You may be at a point in your career where you are asking yourself one (or all) of these three burning questions:

  1. Am I being compensated fairly? Do I make more or less than my peers?
  2. If I’m interviewing confidentially for a new role, how can I really know about the culture of the company that I’m interviewing with?
  3. Am I mapping out my career correctly? Is there a better way to do it?

The best way to find the answers to these questions is to contact a great recruiter that specializes in your niche.

Here at JDI, we specialize in the hotel industry. We do a salary survey every year so that we understand compensation for Vice Presidents, Directors, and General Managers at the hotel level. When we study compensation, we look at base salary as well as bonus and stock options.


We can help you strategically map out your career.


As far as understanding company culture goes, we know almost every single hotel company in the United States. There are 1,700 hotel companies in our country, and we can give you at least 30 seconds of commentary on nearly all of them. In most cases, we can also provide real-life stories about turnover, promotions, and company culture.

Finally, how do you know if you are mapping out your career correctly?

We profile thousands of executives. We see people who get where they want to go very quickly, and we see others spend their entire career getting there. We can help you strategically map out your career so that you can avoid common pitfalls and get where you want to go quickly.

If you know a trusted recruiter, we recommend calling them and getting the answers to those questions. Here at JDI, we are always here to help you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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