Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

The goal of any company that is searching for a prospective candidate is to fill its vacancy with qualified people who will bring their professional best to the table. To achieve this end, a recruiter is the most effective. It can be tempting to try and cut corners by skipping the recruiter and doing it all on your own. However, this approach can often end up costing you much more in the long run.

Here are a few reasons why hiring talent without a recruiter can cost you a lot of money. 


It’s All About The Bait

If you go fishing with a wide net, you may catch many fish. However, if you’re not fishing in the right ponds, you may have a low-quality catch. 

Finding the person whose mix of know-how, soft skills, and personality is a great fit for your company is more difficult when you remove the human element. A good recruiter has their finger on the pulse of the industry and can identify talent quickly. When you’re recruiting on your own, you may not be aware of these opportunities, especially with the sheer amount of passive candidates, and it’s easy to miss out on top talent. This is particularly true in industries where there is a high demand for talent, like hospitality. In these industries, top talent may be in high demand and may be courted by multiple organizations at the same time.

In addition, the recruiter is skilled at understanding the company’s needs and targeting their approach to find that perfect person. Contrast this to posting on a job board, which to a great extent, will cause you to work blindly.


Recruitment & Sales Go Hand-in-Hand

Recruitment is not too different from sales. While you may not be the most natural salesman, the majority of the recruiter’s job is to sell the job to the candidate. Uninformed hiring managers may think they can succeed by whipping up a quick ad and pushing out some shot-in-the-dark emails… but that usually doesn’t work. With the targeted approach mentioned previously, recruiters are able to navigate through a plethora of candidates and effectively sell a role to a qualified lead.


You Lose Resources

When you’re recruiting on your own, you’re limited to your own network and resources. This means that you’re likely missing out on a large pool of talented candidates who are not within your immediate circle. Recruiters, on the other hand, have access to a wider talent pool and can help you connect with top talent that you may not have otherwise found.

Time is money and good recruiters know how to get the most value out of your time. Nothing is worse than circling back to a recruiter after months and months of searching for the right candidate. Using a job board may initially seem like the easier route, but in the long run, it will require more time and money to achieve your desired result. In today’s job market, many people may apply for jobs to which they are ill-suited, thus creating a tremendous workload for the company that is hiring. A recruiter will save the hiring manager from wading through digital stacks of resumes to find the right person, saving the business both time, money, and frustration.


Missed Opportunities

Investing in a recruiter means that you will have access to a wealth of contacts that you otherwise would not. This is particularly important when you are seeking to fill a position that has not been advertised. Prospective employees know that their odds are better at gaining employment when using a recruiter, and so the finest professionals will utilize this method for advancing in their career, giving recruiters a distinct advantage.