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For any business, local networking is important. For managers in the hotel industry, it is imperative. As such, it is important to become very involved in the local networking scene, such as trade associations, management networking events, local chambers, etc. This is not only important for the success of the property but also in setting a strong networking foundation that can prove to be beneficial throughout your career. 

Why Join Local Hotel Networks?

There are more than a few answers to this question. However, at the top of that list for many hoteliers would be the access to educational materials you may not be able to find elsewhere. The local meetings will usually have an expert in his or her field speak at the event, but it goes far beyond just that one speaker or one event. These websites are generally loaded with additional information available to members in the form of downloads or podcasts/videos. Additionally, these associations will usually conduct local industry research that is very much relevant to your property. 

Right after the educational resources would be the networking opportunities, which can pay off in at least two ways. First, there is the obvious in that you are developing relationships with managers throughout the area in the same industry. A good friendship may result in a phone call for a job opening that has not yet been advertised. 

The second aspect of this is just as important, as many of these relationships can turn into mentoring relationships as well as sounding board relationships. This comes in handy when you have a group or event that was previously at another property. Or, perhaps you are facing an unfamiliar situation one of your contacts had had to deal with at a prior time. Either way, their feedback could prove to be instrumental in your success when trying to overcome these types of challenges. 

Many of these groups will also have trade shows that are exclusive to their members. While the general public may be able to attend, only members are permitted to have display booths or do presentations. Another exclusive feature is in that many of these groups will offer discounts for members at other businesses, such as cell phone or local cable provider. 

While you surely will not want to join every association, narrow down a list that is relevant to both your hotel and your career path. Attend some introductory meetings or reach out to other professionals in the industry to get their feedback about the association, then join the top two or three on your list. As long as you actively participate, these are associations and relationships you will both cherish and use your entire hospitality career. 

Can your hotel or hospitality organization benefit from better managers? If the local talent pool is just not working out, it may be time to call Joseph David International. JDI is the top-rated hospitality recruiter in the country because we don’t just find candidates, we find THE ideal candidate for specific needs. For more information about our hotel recruiting services, click here.