Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

Whether you are just starting out in college or on the first day of your new job after graduation, you have just made a commitment to an industry that is unlike any other in the business world. Your job is to make people happy, to solve their problems, with no exception. That is the first and most important thing to realize because if you do that, the profits will come.

So, the question is, how do you go about doing that while keeping your own attitude positive as well as staying business-minded? Some of that will be influenced by your teachers, your direct bosses, and your own staff. It will be influenced by how your own personal messaging and attitude are reflected back to you by both the customer and your staff.

Keeping all that in mind, I have put together a few very basic tips for new managers so they can get started off on the right foot as they start their journey in the world of hospitality management:

#1 – Get Organized

You need to come to the realization that you have just entered an industry that never shuts down. Hotels are open 24/7/365. You don’t get holidays off and you don’t get weekends off. This means there is always something going on and it is very easy to lose focus on the tasks at hand. It is also quite easy to get lost during the course of a busy day and forget about upcoming busy days or weeks that still need your attention.

Electronic organizers are great but for my money, there was nothing like a visual that was right in my face to keep me pointed in the right direction. I also believed in redundancy to ensure nothing was ever missed. Yes, I entered my schedule and reminders on my desktop that was synced to my phone, but I also had an organizer that I wrote in by hand and had sticky notes all over my computer to remind me of what needed to be done. I carried a notepad with me everywhere I went and wrote down an issue as soon as I saw it because I knew something could happen within the next two minutes to make me forget about it.

My first job in the hotel industry was as a banquet manager, and I had two full weeks of BEOs hanging off the wall and always had a week’s projections on my person when I walked around the hotel. You just never knew when someone from another department was going to ask a question about a function and I wanted to make sure I had all my information on hand for when that happened.

This was my way of taming the beast and you should never feel ashamed for doing whatever it is that you do to keep yourself organized and prepared. That alone will get you through most days in good shape.

#2 – Learn How to Listen

People in this industry tend to get tunnel vision after a while. They hear trigger words and respond to them rather than the actual problem. This goes for customer, co-worker, and staff issues. If you are one of those people that likes to finish other people’s sentences to show how clever you are and that you get it, stop it right now. When someone is talking to you about an issue or challenge, take out your notepad, take notes, and most importantly, listen to what they are actually saying so you can properly digest the situation from their personal perspective and figure out a solution to the problem.

#3 – Take Ownership – The Word “Can’t” No Longer Exists

Regardless of what your title is, customer service is the key aspect of that position. Keeping that in mind, and when you hear about a problem, take ownership of the problem. While you surely may not be able to say “yes” to every guest request, you surely can never say that you “can’t” do anything about it. Be the person that tries to figure it out for them and comes back to them with a solution. Again, you may not come back with the solution they necessarily want, but you can present them with alternatives and explain this is what you CAN do.

#4 NEVER Talk Down to Your Staff… Appreciate Them

I never liked or got along with managers that thought due to their title, they were better than everyone else. Rest assured, as an entry-level manager, your job depends on employees that may not have a college education, or even a high-school education for that matter. Your boss’ job depends on you, and so it goes up the line. Point being, when all is said and done, the people that make the least amount of money in the hotel are the ones that ultimately decide the success and/or failure of the overall operation.

Simply put, you cannot afford to alienate them because you think you are better than them. Actually, it should be quite the opposite. Go out of your way to show your appreciation for the hard work they do. This goes from a simple pat on the back to acknowledging a standout performance during a busy period to showing up at midnight with some pizzas for the houseman that have to do an overnight flip. If you are going to succeed in this industry, you need absolute loyalty and dedication from your staff. Without it, you are destined to fail.

For me, it was always about finding some common ground on which we could relate as well as being willing to dive in and do their job when need be to ensure the success of the operation. I never pretended to be the best at setups or serving when I worked banquets, but I could do the job and do it well. When I had to jump in, the staff took notice of this and my respect level went up in their eyes. When I took the time to give the houseman a break for five minutes to talk about the football game on Sunday, it went a long way to make me human to them. It also went a long way during times when I had to bear down on them and ask them to kick it up a gear. Things that were important to me became important to them and vice versa.

For however long you work in this industry, hold true to those four guidelines and I promise you, you will be head and shoulders above most other managers in this industry.

Are you struggling to find the “perfect fit” for your skill set? Tired of seeing the same jobs posted on local job boards? If you are ready to take your career to the next level, it’s time to call Joseph David International. The top companies in the country use our hospitality recruiting services because we take the time to find the perfect fit for both the individual and the company. To see the current opportunities available from our clients or to work with a JDI consultant to find your dream job, click here.