Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

The holidays are almost here and the common belief is that nobody is really looking for new employees because the decision-makers are on vacation. November and December are the months when businesses suspend hiring and cut their workforce. But is this true or not? While some think January is the best month to “search for a job,” others think the holidays are the BEST time to do it.

Is the holiday job search a fruitless waste of time? Let’s debunk this once and for all.


Saving the budget

One of the biggest drivers for this belief is that since the end of the year is coming, most managers would prefer to do without to get the added benefits to the bottom line for the end-of-year reports. There is also all the additional paperwork, benefits, and training that go with a new hire, adding even more costs to the overall operation. While you may be able to get away with that at Lowe’s or a corner store, those excuses won’t work when it comes to the hospitality or senior living industry. 


Holiday hours

The one roadblock is ensuring all the decision-makers are in place to hire people during the holiday season. If the operation is a solid one, alternatives are already in place. Someone else is more than likely filling in for that hiring manager on vacation, so do not be discouraged just because your targeted manager is not taking phone calls. Find out who the current decision maker is while he or she is away and talk to that individual. 

As a job seeker, to be honest, this may be the best time of year for you to be out there looking. Far too many people that are out of work in this industry have the mindset that no one is hiring. Hit the pavement when you know your competition isn’t.


Hiring is a spring thing

Why do people assume this? Because college students are graduating and they’re getting hired. That means there may be more entry-level positions, but that doesn’t apply to executives or managerial roles.

Some roles slow down, and some have an increased demand for talent. A lot of companies start their fiscal year on Jan 1, so they increase their hiring efforts for financial roles in December. Other departments may be motivated by an excess budget, where need to rapidly spend in order to obtain a larger yearly budget.  Many hiring managers simply want to be fully staffed going into a new year, so not only are they hiring, they’re hiring FAST.

In conclusion, you should not give up your job search just because it’s nearing the holiday season. Looking for opportunities but getting frustrated because your search keeps coming up empty? Did you know JDI is tapped into opportunities and companies that are not even advertised? For more information about opportunities we currently have available or to find out how our team can help you find your dream job, click here.