Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

While branded hotels have the advantage of brand name recognition, a larger staff and bigger marketing budgets, it is surprising that independent boutique hotels also have numerous advantages over the titans.

If you’re employed with a larger chain, you may be hesitant to accept a job offer from a boutique property. On the other hand, if you have been working for an independent hotel, a big brand like Marriot may seem daunting.

What are the pros and cons of working as an employee for either one of these types of properties, and is one really superior to the other? Below are some of the key differences between big brands and boutique hotels.


Guest relationships

Big hotel chains have a larger staff as well as many guests, a factor that makes it difficult for hoteliers and guests to know each other. With independent hotels, you will have the advantage of knowing almost every guest who walks into the hotel. Guests who frequent the hotel may also know most of the staff by name. This makes it possible for you and your team to provide personalized customer service to the guests and satisfied customers are more likely to share their experiences with family and friends.

Winner: Independent


Operational framework

Chain hotels have uniform rules and patterns that govern the operations of every single member of the brand. For instance, the management may require you to have a minimum amount of money before opening a chain hotel. With independent hotels, owners have the space to set their own rules based on their assessment of the market. When it comes to setting budgets for marketing campaigns, management will set the budget in line with the objectives they intend to achieve.

Larger hotel groups tend to offer more training opportunities; combined with building up your resume, this means they can have greater potential for your long-term career.

Winner: Branded



Large hotel chains generally have a higher demand for employees because higher customer volumes necessitate a larger workforce. Not only that, but larger companies can usually offer generous compensation and benefits packages to their employees.

Winner: Branded



While the strict patterns of chain hotels make it easier to manage businesses, independent boutique hotels come with more flexibility. The fact that you can try out the different tools of sales with independent hotels will make your journey more rewarding. At the same time, charting your path based on your assessment of the market and industry boosts your chances of success.

Winner: Independent


Sales & marketing initiatives

Most branded hotels rely on loyalty programs to attract and retain customers. With independent hotels, you will have to be innovative to stand out. This harder task will involve creating a unique and recognizable brand as well as focusing on quality service, interior design, entertainment and societal integration. This can be difficult, and because there is usually a lack of brand recognition, it’s sometimes not as effective for sales teams.

Winner: Branded


Local partnerships

Today, most tourists are more interested in traveling like a local. Since independent boutique hotels are in a better position to understand and adjust to the neighborhood in which they operate, they can make changes to take advantage of such opportunities.
One of the biggest advantages of independent boutique hotels is the fact that it is their own brand. This gives you the power to grow and shape the brand in a way that will make you stand out from other competing hotels.

Winner: Independent 


Authenticity over standardization

If you want to innovate, boutique hotels are the target business model. You have more freedom to experiment with new ideas and work outside the box. This can also be advantageous if you get satisfaction from seeing the results of your efforts firsthand.

Winner: Independent 


You truly can’t go wrong with either. If you’re looking to create the blueprint for your company, go independent. If you’re looking for a structured training program, go turn to branded hotels. Luckily at JDI, we work with both. Reach out to a member of our team here!