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While the hospitality industry is navigating through a challenging season, Eugenio Pirri, the Chief People and Culture Officer of Dorchester Collection, believes that staying strong is imperative to getting through the storm. Not only is Eugenio making efforts to provide support within his community, but globally, employees have come together in supporting their team’s mental health and well-being. Team members within Dorchester Collection recognize the importance of cultivating a sense of unity in unprecedented times.

“The real heroes have been our employees, who have truly tried to support each other,” wrote Eugenio.

Stories have been spreading of Dorchester employees coming together to support those in need. Staff members have taken the initiative in supporting those with children by offering up home-schooling support. Individually, many hotel managers set up contests for those with families quarantined at home to keep their spirits high.

This commitment to serving others can be seen on a global scale. Dorchester staff members have donated portions of their salaries to the Covid19 relief fund in Italy. Hotels in Paris have donated iPads to the local children’s hospital to ensure that children are able to continue schooling. As part of a larger Parisian initiative, many of their chefs are cooking meals for doctors. UK hotels donated Easter Eggs over the holiday for children in the Great Ormand Street hospital and hot cross buns to those working at Charing Cross hospital.  All of these initiatives are just scraping the surface of how team members have been giving back.

“All of our hotels have regularly donated Care Packages to their local hospitals,” said Eugenio, “Including everything from food, toiletries, biscuits and other such items to thank those who are giving their all to the front lines of this terrible pandemic.”

In the United States, hotels are hosting ‘We Care Wednesdays’. Every week, hotels provide donations, food and charity to hospitals and caregivers across their community. With essential schools still running, hotel chefs are providing meals to the students, staff and locals.

“As a company we donated to Hospitality Action and we continue to pay our employees 100% salary and have guaranteed their jobs for when we all return to work.”

This is just a small fraction of what the team members are doing every week. Leaders like Eugenio help ignite the growth and perseverance of moguls globally. Thank you, Eugenio and the thousands of Dorchester moguls, for your commitment to serving others.


Photograph taken from HR In Hospitality.