Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

Last week, we covered three possible reasons why you didn’t get the job. Here are three more reasons that may explain why you didn’t get the job.

Didn’t Follow Up

You really may have nailed the interview, and left a good impression. But that good impression doesn’t stop at the interview. You need to make sure you are following up after the interview.

We suggest sending a thank you note. It shows your level of interest in the job, and it helps keep you at the top of mind.  It’s commonly accepted to email the thank you note, but sometimes it’s also a nice touch to send a personal thank you note, in addition to the email.

Didn’t Ask Questions

We previously covered in our blog post What Questions Should You Ask (and Not Ask) During Your Hospitality Interview? (this will be a link)
Asking appropriate questions not only shows your level of interest, it also shows that you did research and you are knowledgeable about the role, company, and industry.  After all, it’s been said that curious people make better employees.

Dressed Inappropriately

First impressions are not easily forgotten. You always want to look your best for an interview. Make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free. If you have pets, make sure you check for any animal fur. Don’t eat spaghetti right before an interview. Can you imagine a big red stain on your new white shirt?

You and another candidate might have similar work experience, skills, and education, so that first impression might make all the difference!

You Just Weren’t the Right Fit

You could be the perfect candidate on paper, but some reason or another you are just not the right fit for the company. It happens. You can do everything right, but the interviewer just clicked better with someone.

These are not all the reasons why you weren’t hired, but by making sure you don’t make the mistakes you can increase your chances of getting that offer letter. You’ll find the right job soon enough.

Need help with your hospitality job search? Contact JDI today!