JDI Recruiting Stats
6 Months Guarantee
Candidate Retention After 3+ Years
Candidate Retention After 12 Months
Day Fill Rate
Completed Searches
Offer Acceptance Rate
Fill Rate
Submittal Turnaround
Senior Living
Accounting & Finance
Executive Chef / Food & Beverage
Phoenix Market
Every person you hire is a puzzle piece that makes up the canvas of your company. Hiring great people is fundamental to that success.
Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI, we’re a passionate team with the mission of delivering top talent that ignites your organizational growth.
JDI, is dedicated to engaging world-class talent and providing unparalleled service for our clients. We are committed to delivering service the JDI Way – with speed, quality, and trust. We strive to be the acknowledged leader and preferred partner in helping our clients find candidates that will positively impact their organizations’ operational, cultural, and financial performance.
We believe it takes talent to find talent. That’s why our team is compromised of world-class search professionals with successful relationships in the industries they serve. All of our recruiters have a deep understanding of how their respective industry operates.
Ranked by Forbes as one of the top Executive Recruiting Firms in the country
Recently, Forbes, in partnership with Statista, surveyed over 18,000 external recruiters, 3,000 candidates and employees, and 500 human resources managers. The recruitment field was divided into two main categories, executive search and professional search. Participants could name up to ten recruitment firms per category. With over 20,000 recommendations collected, companies with the highest evaluations and number of recommendations were ranked on the list.
The JDI Difference
3 candidates in 5 business days
A Players Top Performers Only
Offer Acceptance Rate
Placements Under 40 Days
Our clients receive immediacy in our responsiveness and in our execution of our search strategy in order to meet your defined goals.
Excellence is our only accepted standard, and procuring talent that builds your competitive edge is how we do that.
Relationships are the epicenter of our service delivery and building lasting relationships in the market we serve is our cornerstone.
Customized Approach
Our client base includes major senior living, hotel, construction, civil engineering, & real estate brands.
Year after year, our clients retain our team to help them find top-talent in their marketplace. Whether the position is at property level or corporate level, we apply the same exacting standards to our search. With over a decade of experience a leading executive search firm, our team is equipped to assist our clients in the search of many senior management positions.
World class leaders and managers are needed NOW to drive organizational strategic outcomes and the battleground for talent requires agility. Defining and executing a search strategy with urgency, using our defined talent assessment tools and expertise, deep industry relationships and “insider thought capital” ensure expeditious delivery of top talent and helps clients gain and sustain a competitive edge.
The JDI 6-Step Process

We Respect Your Time
Knowledge is power! We believe it is crucial to know as much about a candidate as possible. Knowing all the intimate details about a candidate ensures that you are presented with the highest qualified candidates. We focus on what the candidate truly wants from this change, and we will address any red flag areas before they are presented to you. We believe that the extra time spent with each candidate is crucial for you, as well as the candidate. Our attention to detail saves you both time and money when it comes to finding the perfect fit for your team.