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If you have ever worked in an operations department in a hotel, you know at some point, you are going to need to use a staffing agency to get through some of the busy periods. Figuring out which staffing agency you are going to use is something that should not be put off until the last minute, though. In order to ensure there is no drop off in the level of service your staff is currently providing, you are going to need to research, screen, and possibly train temp staff members.

Researching Potential Staffing Agencies

First and foremost, you are going to need to establish a budget so you can shorten the list for agencies operating within your budget. For larger jobs, agencies will sometimes lower their rates, which means you might be able to get better staff for less money.

Once you have your budget established, the next step is checking online reviews of every local staffing agency in the area. It may also benefit you to check out staffing agencies in surrounding areas, especially if you are going to be placing large orders. Living in PA, you may not be able to use a New York agency for a small job, but when you need an order for 25 or more servers, they may take the job due to the larger order.

After gathering online intelligence, it is time to start making calls. Some of the information you need to gather during these phone calls is:

  • What type of fees are charged?
    • Is there a minimum number of hours per shift?
    • Are you required to pay travel hours?
    • Are there additional fees for shifts over a specific number of hours?
  • Ask company to provide references
  • What is the average rate of turnover among staff and managers?
  • Does the company provide supervision during the function?
  • How does the company recruit staff?
  • What type of training do they provide for their staff? How often?
  • Do they drug screen their employees?
  • How often are skills tests conducted?
  • Are they licensed and bonded?
  • Are they insured?

Getting answers to these questions will enable you to get your list down to a handful of companies. Then it is time to take it to the next step.

Screening Staffing Agency Employees

Assuming the agency drug tests, you will still want to meet staff members before they work a shift at your property. Find out when the agency is having its next staffing meeting and ask to attend. This will give you an opportunity to sit down and talk with staff members and narrow down your list of acceptable employees. In essence, you are doing an interview just as you would with any prospective employee at your own property.

This is also the time to schedule visits to your property. Management from the staffing agency needs to understand both the logistics of the property as well as the type of functions where they will be needed. Take the time to walk the manager through the entire process, from equipment pulls, to set up, to service, to breakdown. Additionally, you should be reviewing some BEOs so they fully understand what these functions entail from an expectation level. If possible, have the manager work a smaller function with you or one of your managers to see your staff in action.

Likewise, it would be beneficial to shop a function where the staffing agency is being used. Make the manager of the property aware you will be attending to observe. This is also a great way to shop your competition.


These employees are going to be just as responsible for the success of a function as your own staff, so the agency should not have a problem with you or one of your managers attending a training session held by the staffing agency. This will give you a much better idea of their actual skill set. It may also behoove you to get involved with their training, assuming the agency is open to it, to make sure they are delivering the same level of service as your on-property staff.

Make the Call

At this point, you should have a very good idea of agencies that can meet your needs. It would be recommended to work with more than one agency, as you never want to stretch out any one agency for all of their staff (the bottom of their chain is at the bottom for a reason). When working larger functions, you are probably better off drawing from two or three agencies rather than just one.

Ideally, you are always drawing from your list of chain and extras, but there are always going to be functions you are simply unable to staff and need outside help. Taking the time and effort to find one or more agencies will give the sales staff confidence you and your department are capable of handling larger functions that fill your hotel to capacity.

Are your managers struggling to deliver the level of service you expect? Joseph David International has been successfully placing executive hospitality managers for more than a decade because we work to find the RIGHT manager for your specific property and needs. For more information about our hotel recruiting services, click here.

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