Tips on Nailing Your Hospitality Interview

Tips on Nailing Your Hospitality Interview

Failure to prepare has derailed more than one promising interview, especially in a demanding industry like hospitality. As you get closer and closer to your interview, it’s vital to be prepared. Even when you’re well established in your career and your confidence is...

How to Write a Thank You Note After an Interview

Whether your interview went good or bad, you should always send a note to thank your interviewer for the opportunity to meet with him or her. Even if you tanked the interview, sending a thank you note could pay off in the future when being considered for another...

You Nailed the Interview… Now What?

You were finally able to get an interview for your dream job with one of the top companies in the hospitality industry, but now what should you do? All the signs were there but you want to make sure you don’t mess up by simply doing nothing. Even if you nailed the...

How to Know If a Job Interview Went Well

A job interview can be one of the most stressful experiences of a young manager’s life. However, even those of us that are seasoned and have been on more job interviews than we would care to admit can sometimes get rattled or confused about how well the interview...