Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.
JDI Insights
Improving Your Hotel’s Online Presence with Holiday Marketing
Yes, the holiday season is here and your #HolidayMarketing plan needs to get rolling ASAP! There are quite a few things you can do that will both boost your online presence and lure in those holiday travelers.
Make Your Hotel ‘Wedding Worthy’
Weddings are big business in the hotel industry. If you commit, you may soon find that your Saturday night weddings can turn into three or even four days worth of business for the hotel.
Capitalize on 2 Key Marketing Trends to Boost Search and Social Media Results
Marketing a hotel today is far different than it was even 10 years ago. Two of the more successful tools marketers are using these days were not even on the radar a decade or so ago. Read more…
Making the Transition from Restaurants to Hotel F&B
Many hotels have long-desired to have fine-dining level service in their food and beverage operations. If you are thinking of transitioning from a restaurant to hotel manager, there are many things you must consider. Read more…
Why Your Hotel Just Lost $1.5 Million
Studies show that within a year of being hired, 80 percent of new hires do not live up to expectations. How can hiring managers find quality candidates amidst the talent crisis? Read more…
Driving Sales at Check-in with Upselling and Cross-Selling
Check-in at hotels offers a HUGE opportunity to both upsell and cross-sell services the guest will need during their stay. Read more…
Wi-Fi: To Charge or Not to Charge
Is it really worth charging hotel guests for Wi-Fi or is it more beneficial to make it a complimentary amenity? Read more…
‘Must Have’ Hospitality Manager Traits and Job Skills
What personality traits and job skills will you need to be a successful hospitality manager? Read more…
How to Write a Thank You Note After an Interview
Learn how to construct the perfect thank you note after an interview. Read more…
You Nailed the Interview… Now What?
Now that the interview is done, what steps should you take next to keep you in the running for the job? Read more…
5 Hotel Marketing Ideas You May Not Have Considered
Hotel marketing tactics have changed dramatically over the last few years, so here are a few ideas you may not have considered yet. Read more…
Hit the Ground Running as a Hospitality Manager
Learn how to get a leg-up on the competition as you start your career as a hospitality manager. Read more…