Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

According to experts in the industry, there is a widely-held belief that the next decade will see job boards made completely irrelevant or even extinct. Some say this might happen sooner than even that, but considering job boards are how many people find new job opportunities, why are they supposedly fading out?

Job boards were absolutely groundbreaking when they appeared on the scene for the first time roughly 15 years ago. Recruiters and job seekers loved the many opportunities this new platform presented. However, employers, recruiters, and job seekers are now learning that job boards are not as effective as they used to be. In fact, job seekers have supposedly started to turn away from the job board platform for a few, if not all, of the reasons below:

  • Job descriptions are unclear.
  • The process is not user-friendly.
  • Salary or employer is not always mentioned.
  • Job searches can have many irrelevant results.
  • You often cannot directly follow up with the recruiter or employer who made the post.
  • There is not enough security for sensitive information.
  • You often have to scour through a lot of job boards.
  • There is less responsiveness toward online applications than there should be.
  • The whole process is very time-consuming for little reward.

When it comes to recruiters, they have started to turn away from the job board platform to find candidates for some of the following reasons:

  • Job boards do not attract the desired audience (not enough experience, high priced, too unskilled, etc.)
  • There are too many job boards to keep track of.
  • There are multiple posts for one job across different job board websites.
  • The platform makes it impossible to directly network with possible candidates.

The truth is that job boards have a success rate of only 2-4 percent for getting job seekers new opportunities, but the success rate for networking is 50 percent. Many job seekers have grasped the true value of directly networking with a company or a recruiter if they’re seriously looking to become candidates for open positions.

Social Media Will Become More Critical for Job Searches

It’s fairly common knowledge that when hiring managers are trying to decide which candidate should be chosen for an open position, they look through the candidates’ social media pages to help vet them a bit. However, social media isn’t just a tool for vetting candidates—it’s also the chance for job seekers to find new career opportunities. Regarding recruiters, they often utilize social media directly to look for potential candidates. Facebook, Twitter, and especially LinkedIn are an absolute must for each player in the job-search market.

Social media has made it far easier for job seekers to interact with companies directly, and Forbes believes a personal recommendation is a top method for finding new hires. This also stresses the importance of recruiters for seeking out direct contact with potential employers—they have relationships with various companies, their hiring managers, and their human resources departments, thus giving them unbridled access to the right kinds of people. Whether it’s social media or a solid recruiter, job searching is changing, and it’s best to stay on top of these changes to ensure you stay at the front of the pack.

If you are ready to find the top talent in the industry, it is time for you to call JDI. We are considered the top hospitality recruiters in the country for very good reason… we find the ideal fit to perfectly suit your company’s needs. If you would like more information about our hotel recruiting services, click here.

We will also be attending the HR in Hospitality Expo & Conference from March 25-27. We would love the opportunity to sit down in person with you to discuss how JDI can help your organization land the top talent in the industry. Feel free to call us at 480-719-7217 or use our contact form (click here) to set up an appointment.

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