Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

Do you use Pre-employment Tests and Assessments in your hiring process?

Pre-employment testing is an objective way to predict personality fit and job performance. It tests cognitive ability, personality and critical thinking skills. By now, you’re aware of these tests. In fact, you may have taken one to get the position you have now.

The hiring process gets messy. As much as we would like, traditional resumes and interviews don’t always provide necessary insights. Candidates can put misleading statements on their resume. In addition, many are capable of navigating through any interview with ease, serving as a poor predictor of their actual job performance.

Is pre-employment testing a necessary part of your recruitment strategy?



Standardized results

Adding a pre-employment test to the hiring process helps managers remain objective. It affirms decisions and addresses potential problem areas.

More importantly, they eliminate unintentional biases. The test will provide information that will be separated from preconceived notions you may have developed. Regardless of intent, it’s easy to quickly pass judgment on someone within the first few minutes of an interview. Interviews don’t always represent the character of the individual and quizzes bring clarity where it’s needed.



Legal defensibility

Just like resumes and interviews, tests are governed by federal guidelines intended to ensure non-discriminatory recruitment practices. Legally, including these tests can increase the legal defensibility of your hiring process.

Protection comes from the fact that every candidate is required to take the test and meet a set of predetermined requirements. This gives your organization a stronger defense if someone questions the legality of your hiring process. If you’re following guidelines, it will be difficult for an upset candidate to pin you down legally.



Increased Retention

Aside from the standardization and legal benefits of pre-employment testing, it can also decrease turnover. In the same way, you may come up with negative judgments, you may also wrongly assume that someone is the perfect fit for the role. Tests that are designed for the specific role they’re applying to decrease the likelihood of employees being let go because of low performance.

It will also reduce the time spent on the overall hiring process itself, meaning that fewer candidates are less likely to drop off the map between interviews. The last thing hiring managers need is talented individuals leaving because of a lengthy hiring process.



Does your hiring process need a revamp? Reach out to one of our recruiters! At JDI, we are dedicated to engaging world-class talent and providing unparalleled service for our clients. We are committed to delivering service the JDI Way – with speed, quality, and trust. We strive to be the acknowledged leader and preferred partner in helping our clients find candidates that will positively impact their organizations’ operational, cultural, and financial performance.