Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

For the past month, people have been forced to transition out of their roles and find new ones. If you’ve been on LinkedIn lately, you’ve probably seen posts from people in your network searching for jobs.

While you may not have a job opportunity due to the country’s economic instability, you may be able to offer your connections something else. Do you have thousands of connections? Are you an expert in a niche they’re looking into? Are you experienced in editing resumes?

Put your energy where it matters most and focus on helping in the skills you excel at. Here are some ways you can give back to your network:


Review their resume and cover letter

Especially if the job seeker is looking for positions within your industry. Since many are updating their resume, you can help equip them for the roles they’re applying for. Just make a few quick edits or offer recommendations on their formatting.


Introduce them to valuable connections

If you have many people in your network, this can be mutually beneficial for you. Not only are you introducing someone to a desired connection, but if they onboard them in the future, you’ve now established some of your credibility. You may have heard the saying before: your network is your net worth.


“Meet up” with them

While you may not be able to grab a cup of coffee with them, you can always use Zoom.  Offer up 15-30 minutes of your time for an interruption-free meetup. Whether you’re offering a basic company overview or providing industry insights, this will not go unappreciated.


Help them find the perfect elevator pitch

It pays to have a solid “elevator pitch.” This is a short, pre-prepared statement that helps explain who you are, clearly and succinctly.


A key element of using LinkedIn is making connections. When you give back, more people are willing to speak to you. Your network serves as an endorsement of your professional capability. You’re also helping those around you during unprecedented times.