Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

While a high salary and great benefits are wonderful, one of the biggest factors in the top talent in the industry accepting a new position is the stability of both the position and the company itself.

Nobody wants to take a new job with an uncertain future, so you need to anticipate questions as well as putting together solid answers that will not pacify the candidate but actually evoke confidence in the organization. Some of the most common questions you may be asked to answer are:

  1. Is this a new position?
  2. Does the company have a high turnover right and if yes, why?
  3. What is the company doing moving forward to address this turnover problem?

Remember, we are not talking about young managers fresh out of college but seasoned professionals that are the elite of the elite in the industry. As such, they will be doing their due diligence on any company they are considering. Point being, you must be ready with answers because you know these managerial candidates are going to know both the good and the bad about your company before they ever walk through the door for their first interview.

Now, to hear more about this, here are Joe Rice, our Managing Partner, and Jeff Evans, our Managing Director…

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If your organization is having problems finding the top talent in the industry, we would love to help. You can use our contact form or give us a call at 480-719-7217. To learn more about our hotel recruiting services for clients, click here.