Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years are hectic. If you’re in the middle of a job search, it’s tempting to put things on hold until the new year. With a booked schedule and tighter finances, everyone’s entering the holiday slump. Not only that, but recruiters have unpredictable schedules throughout the month. Is job searching even worth it?

Yes! Contrary to popular belief, hiring doesn’t stop during the holidays. In fact, there are many reasons why you should amp up your job search.


Less competition

You’re not the only one who wants to take a break. Everybody, especially this year, is ready for a vacation. This may include hiring managers, but it’s important to note that the hiring process doesn’t stop. It’s likely that the process will drag a little longer, but you’ll be able to score an interview with the smaller competition pool.


Perfect time to network

You don’t need to limit your networking endeavors to LinkedIn and networking events. Friends’ and families’ holiday parties can potentially be a spot to network. Although this year is weird, if you happen to be attending a holiday gathering with new people, it can be time to find referrals.


You don’t want to hold things off

One thing we learned from last year is that it’s impossible to predict the future. We’re wrapping up a year full of unprecedented events and hardships.

Entering the new year, it’s important to be (idealistically) as equipped for the future as possible. Especially for the unemployed, it’s safer to dive into your searches now, with the knowledge that you’re probably not going to be able to secure a job immediately. Don’t be overly concerned about starting your job on Christmas day or New Year’s Eve, as it is usually negotiable depending on the demand.


Seasonal positions can become permanent

Don’t write off temporary roles. Contract and seasonal positions often evolve into permanent opportunities once you’ve proven your value. If you find a position that will help you reach your career goals, apply! Temporary hiring speeds up tremendously around this time of year.


Increased demand

Some roles slow down, and some have an increased demand for talent. A lot of companies start their fiscal year on Jan 1, so they increase their hiring efforts for financial roles in December. Other departments may be motivated by an excess budget, where need to rapidly spend in order to obtain a larger yearly budget.  Many hiring managers simply want to be fully staffed going into a new year.


Utilize your time off

If you’re already employed and struggle to find time to job search, your Christmas break may be the perfect way to set aside time. If you have days left on your annual leave, make the most out of them. On top of this, people that would otherwise be too busy to network with could be more open to starting a conversation.

Looking for a job? Our Consultants take a holistic and consultative approach to the leaders and managers we serve. Regardless of the next step in your career, our goal is to ignite your professional growth and to leverage our expertise to help you with your next step; whatever that may be. If you’re in senior living or hospitality, reach out to one of our consultants here.