Companies who invest in hiring the right people, have maximized returns. At JDI our goal is to help you build a passionate team that ignites growth within your company.

As we all know, the market is more competitive than ever. In addition to your direct competition among hotels, the industry is now trying to fend off AirBNB properties. When developing a marketing plan for the upcoming quarter or next year, you are going to have to think more out-of-the-box and consider approaches that were not even on the radar several years ago. 

Hotel Marketing Idea #1 – Virtual Tours

Using this technology can be expensive, but it will more than pay for itself in extra bookings. Rather than providing a two-dimensional image, a virtual tour gives the viewer a far better picture of the hotel and allows them to visualize exactly what they will experience when staying in the hotel. 

Hotel Marketing Idea #2 – Social Media Advertising

Placing ads in newspapers and magazines can absolutely kill the budget. Social media advertising is far less expensive and has the added benefit of being shared by readers, something that cannot be done in traditional media. 

Hotel Marketing Idea #3 – Become a Resource

This is something that I have touted in several blogs and is worth another mention. Because people rely on social media so heavily, using your profiles and website as a resource can pay off significantly. Promote local events on your pages to draw in more fans, which will help develop a more significant online presence for the property. Remember, the more active you are in engaging guests, the more familiar and “human” you become to fans, which will make them more likely to consider and book with your property. 

Hotel Marketing Idea #4 – Compare Property to AirBNB

You can’t beat the enemy by running and hiding. The best offense might be a good defense in sports, but that is not the case in our industry. Take AirBNB head-on by pointing out the differences your specific hotel offers compared to a stay at a local AirBNB. Free shuttles, free breakfasts, a fitness center, a pool, customer service, etc. are all benefits travelers will probably not enjoy staying at an AirBNB, so exploit them. 

Hotel Marketing Idea #5 – Market Your City

You are going to need to capture the attention of travelers that have not necessarily made up their mind about a trip or were possibly not even considering making a trip. Start talking about the great sites, restaurants, and culture your city has to offer. As mentioned above, keep track of the local events in the area and blast the events to your fans, especially sporting and entertainment events. If you can get fans interested in your city and/or events that are happening, you have a leg up on luring them in as a guest. 

Is your hotel marketing team letting you down? Is it time for new leadership? If the local talent pool is not meeting your demands, let JDI help. Joseph David International is regularly ranked as one of the top hospitality recruiters in the country because we do more than find candidates; we find the ideal candidate for your specific needs. For more information about our hotel recruiting services, please click here.